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    SWOT and PESTLE Analysis of Hotel Hilton

    University: Docklands Academy

    • Unit No: 1
    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 5 / Words 1368
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: SIT50416
    • Downloads: 858
    Question :

    This assessment will cover following questions:

    • Determine the current structure, scope and size of the hospitality industry.
    • Explain current and anticipated skills requirements in the Hilton Hotel.
    • Generate the internal and external factors that impact the hospitality industry and how they interlink to current issues facing the hospitality industry.
    • Hilton Hotel is a UK based luxury hotel chain. Evaluate the current and potential trends and developments affecting the hospitality industry
    Answer :


    Staff development define as all those policies, practices as well as procedures which is used by organisations in order to enhance their skills, capabilities and knowledge so that efficiency of individual will be enhanced (Farrell and et., al., 2019). In this report, Hotel Hilton is chosen as the base company which is an American multinational organisation. Company was founded by Conrad Hilton in the year 1919. In this report, PESTLE as well as SWOT analysis are going to be conducted in detail manner along with the current trends.

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    SWOT Analysis

    It is a framework used by organisations in order to examine the capabilities and strength of the company. In the present case of Hilton Hotel, managers of the company conduct SWOT analysis which are as follows:

    Strengths Weaknesses

    One of the strength of Hotel Hilton is that the organisation have brand recognition in the marketplace by providing high quality services across the whole wide world. 

    Along with this, managers develop positive and strong relationship with their customers by recording their demands and preferences so that they can satisfy their needs and wants (Gowie and et., al., 2019).

    Weakness of Hotel Hilton is that there is lack of flexibility as the size of business organisation is quite huge which affects the working in a negative manner.

    Company provide various number of services across the whole wide world which might affect the performance due to different governmental policies.

    Opportunities Threats

    The biggest opportunity for the company is Australian market as the economic system of the country is quite strong.

    The games occur within distinct parts of world, they can collaborate with appropriate partners as this will provide them toe stablish enhanced customer base.

    Along with this, by acquiring local or small hotel groups, management team of Hotel Hilton can grab ample number of opportunities.

    There is ample competition arise within the marketplace which includes Accor Hotels, Marriott Internation, and Starwood Hotels and Resorts). This reduces the overall profitability of the company.

    Along with this, different international brands entering into the marketplace which might affect the whole profit ratio of the company (Mankayi and Cheteni, 2019). 

    Furthermore, political & economic turbulence arise which might affect business operations in a negative manner.

    PESTLE Analysis

    PESTLE analysis refers to a strategic tool which mainly includes ample number of elements which assist in developing strategies and policies. In the present case of Hotel Hilton, it is an analysis which will assist in enhancing the profitability of the company.

    Political factor: It has been said that the political stability of the country is strong which assist the business entity like Hotel Hilton in order to perform their business operations in an effective manner. It has also been said that UK government plays very supportive role as they give funds and resources to the organisations for doing business expansion.

    Economical factor: It is very essential for the business entity to examine the economic condition of the country so that effective strategies and policies will be developed in order to grab ample number of opportunities. In the present context of Hotel Hilton, economic condition of UK is quite strong and effective which help the company so that they can earn more profitability.

    Social factor: It has been said that social factor of a country highly influence the overall business functions (Marquis, Power and Yin, 2019). In the present context, individual person per capita income within UK influence the operations of the company. Managers of Hotel Hilton fulfil the requirements and demands of customers so that they gain more profitability.

    Technological factor: In the present case of Hotel Hilton, managers of the company use highly advance technology so that they can beat the level of competition, produce high quality products and services which leads towards the enhancement of goodwill and reputation of the company. Managers of the company of Hotel Hilton, use automatic check in as well as check out technologies which helps in improving the experience of customers.

    Legal factor: It is the element which plays very essential role in order to perform all the business functions in an effective manner. Managers of HotelHilton, adopt various legal element such as equality act, health & safety law and many more so that they can create positive working environment within the workplace (Price and et. Al., 2019). Furthermore, managers of the company perform all the business functions in an ethical manner so that positive results will be produced.

    Environmental factor: In today's world it has been said that this factor plays very essential role. Under this factor different types of laws and policies are developed by the government which is linked with the environment and pollution which harm the external environment in a negative manner. Organisations like Hotel Hilton, ensure that the nature and environment might not get harm.

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    Current Trends

    In the present competitive marketplace, there are ample number of trends which might affect the overall business functionality of the company. Some of the trends are going to be discussed as follows:

    Artificial intelligence (AI): It has been said that there are various hospitality organisation which mainly adopts artificial intelligence in order to perform their business functions in an effective manner. In the present context of Hotel Hilton, manager of the company adopt AI in order to enhance the experience of customers. This will assist the company in order to satisfy the requirements and demands in an effective manner.

    Smart hotels: In general, it is said that there are some hotels which mainly uses ample number of internet sources in order to promote their business organisation (Sabat and et., al., 2019). In the present context, Hotel Hilton is chosen as the business entity which mainly use internet services in order to promote their goods so that large number of customers will be attracted towards the company.

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    As per the above mentioned report, it has been concluded that business organisation mainly use SWOT as well as PESTE analysis in order to develop strategies and policies. Along with this, there are some trends which might influence the interest of customer with the help of which company can raise more profit margin.

    You can also read - PESTLE Analysis and SWOT Analysis of Marriott Hotels 


     Farrell, and et., al., 2019. Supporting Out‐of‐School Time Staff in Low Resource Communities: A Professional Development Approach. American journal of community psychology.

    Gowie and et., al., 2019. Development of a core competency framework for clinical research staff. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, p.100301.

    Mankayi, M. and Cheteni, P., 2019. Perceptions of Academic Staff towards Academic Staff Development Programmes in One Selected University in South Africa. Academia, (16-17), pp.29-48.

    Marquis, E., Power, E. and Yin, M., 2019. Promoting and/or evading change: the role of student-staff partnerships in staff teaching development. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 43(10), pp.1315-1330.

    Price, C.A., and et. al., 2019. Staff matter: Gender differences in science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) career interest development in adolescent youth. Applied developmental science, 23(3), pp.239-254.

    Sabat and et., al., 2019. Staff development as a condition for sustainable development entrepreneurship. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 22, pp.1-7.Coomber, R., 2019.

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